Billionaire Steve Ballmer (left), Ennis Dakhil (right)
Introverts are not shy, we just don't feed off social energy the way extroverts do. ⚡️
This doesn't mean we're not great to converse with. 🗣
We are.
And here is why: 👇
Introverts don't enjoy small talk. 😰
We speak less, but say more. 😌
We’re great listeners.👂
Because of this, we're able to have more meaningful conversations and can connect with others on a much deeper level; we are able to make deeper connections.
So, if you've been telling yourself that you don't do well at social gatherings because you're an introvert, think again! 👀
Leverage your natural strengths and build your network and career! 🔥
What are your thoughts on this? 🤔
Let me know below!👇🏽